Fight Your Domestic Battery Charges
Domestic battery charges affect people from all social and economic backgrounds. Even if you have never been in trouble with the law, you might find yourself faced with a domestic arrest. See “Domestic Battery: Definitions” for detailed descriptions of key aspects of a domestic battery case.
Challenges You Face If You Have Been Arrested On Suspicion Of Domestic Violence
Even if your spouse, ex-spouse or domestic partner has had a change of heart about your arrest, your domestic battery charge will not simply go away. Additionally, you may now face one or more of these serious challenges:
- Defending yourself against an order of protection
- Regaining access to your home
- Restoring contact with your children
- Avoiding a conviction on your criminal record
- Keeping your employment
The Law Offices of Charles Rohde & Pierina Infelise, P.C., represents people accused of domestic battery in Chicagoland or beyond – DuPage County, Cook County, Kane County, Will County and beyond. We understand the urgency of your situation. We know that the criminal accusation is only one facet of the challenges domestic arrest causes. We work hard to resolve our clients’ cases quickly and effectively.
Our Practice Areas
Getting arrested for suspicion of DUI/DWI, domestic violence, drug violations or any other criminal charge can be terrifying. Without the right criminal defense attorney in your corner, your liberty is at stake. Your job, your reputation and your family relationships are also at risk. Our experienced attorneys understand that the charges you face do not define who you are. We are here to protect your rights and provide the legal guidance you need.
Perhaps you are the spouse or domestic partner who called the police. We urge you not to talk to the police or the state’s attorney about your original claim without consulting an attorney. All too often, well-meaning spouses and partners sign complaints because they believe their family member will get help. The reality is that the criminal justice system is not about getting help for the accused. Speak to an attorney who has your family’s interests at heart.
We Are Trial Lawyers And Ready To Be Your Advocates
Like any criminal matter, a domestic battery case may be resolved short of trial. However, domestic cases are often defensible We are ready and willing to take any case to trial – and often do. As former prosecutors, we are skilled at finding and developing compelling defense strategies and we look forward to presenting your defense to a judge or jury.
The Law Offices of Charles Rohde & Pierina Infelise, P.C., welcomes inquiries from clients needing representation in domestic battery cases in Illinois. Call 630-478-9924 or email us to schedule a no-obligation consultation.